10 Simple Ways to Help the Environment Every Day
In light of President Trump’s move to back out of the Paris Accord, we thought we’d put together a quick list of how you can help the environment each day. Consumer habits will dictate the market so if there is a collective push for green solutions and sustainability, as there has been in recent years, we will begin to see more environmentally friendly changes despite what agreements the government may or may not be in.
10 Ways to Help the Environment Every Day
- Recycle – You’re probably saying *very sarcastically* “Wow, what a novel idea!” so this tip is not about recycling overall, but being smarter about how you recycle. Make sure you clean all recyclable products by removing all food particles from them (example: rinse out tomato sauce jars instead of leaving sauce in there and throw away all pizza crusts from the box). This will help make sure that all of the products you recycle will be utilized. Depending on your locale, it may help to separate the papers from plastic from metals. You can take it a step further by using local recycling programs for electronics or other items you may not realize can be recycled. Best Buy accepts some larger electronic and household items.
- Use less water – Everyone has heard to turn water off while you’re brushing your teeth but you can do other things like using a shower head that is water efficient. Be sure to check you water meter and see if you have any issues that would cause your usage to be higher such as a leaky toilet.
- Use LED light bulbs – The next time a bulb burns out, replace it with an LED. Not only will LEDs help out the environment, they’ll also help out your electric bill. Because they use a substantial amount less energy than traditional or florescent bulbs, your energy bill will be lower. While the costs of these bulbs are higher, the upfront cost is outweighed because they last much longer and use less energy.
- Adjust the thermostat – Could you go one or two degrees warmer in the summer? Could you use less heat in the winter? Even minor adjustments like this will make a personal difference in the long run. Additionally, make sure you buy a programmable thermostat so that your unit doesn’t run when you’re at work. Consider pre-cooling your home as well.
- Keep your tires at the proper pressure – Having under-inflated tires can significantly hurt your gas mileage, meaning you’re burning more fuel than you need to. You can find the tire pressure in the owners manual or on a placard that is usually near the drivers side door on in the glove-box.
- Shop for locally sourced food – Agriculture has a massive carbon footprint because we as consumers want access to all fruits, vegetables, and meats at all times of the year. Learn where you can buy local produce and what is in season in your area throughout the year. If you aren’t big into cooking, you can look for restaurants that source locally for their ingredients here.
- Bring your own bags to the grocery store – In some areas, plastic bags cannot be recycled and are one of the largest contaminants in the average person’s bin. If you buy a few bottles of wine, some stores will package them in a tote bag for free. You can then cut out the bottle separators and then you have a free, re-usable bag.
- Air dry your clothes – Not only will this help some of your clothes to last longer, you’ll also be saving on electricity from running the dryer. Some would call that a win-win.
- Roll car windows down instead of using the AC – Mythbusters did a study on this a few years back and General Motors and SAE have confirming results. Contrary to the popular thought, driving with the windows down to cool off is more fuel-efficient. While walking places is better than driving is nice in theory, it’s not always realistic so it’s best to try to be as efficient as possible on the road. Or you can get a Tesla Model 3 when they come out.
- Up-cycle – Re-purpose old or used items into new ones. We might be a little biased but we think these liquor bottle lamps and wine bottle candles are pretty cool…
Let us know if you have any other quick tips in the comments!