Black Mirror Season 4 Premieres On December 29th
Black Mirror Season 4
We finally know when we can expect the next season of one of the best Netflix original shows. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Black Mirror, each episode is its own story set in its own universe and is completely independent of all other stories, although there are some Easter eggs hidden in episodes from other episodes from time to time. Black Mirror’s episodes are typically dark takes on how current and future technologies could impact our lives. Some of the episodes are very messed up so this show is definitely not for everyone. Nearly every episode will leave you feeling uneasy to a certain degree, but the twists are all incredible. At least once every episode, you’ll mutter out loud “What the…” as your brain tries to figure out what’s going on.
Here’s a pro tip: don’t start with the first episode of season one. It’s one of the most messed up episodes there are and it has turned people off from watching the show as they think that’s the standard. It’s better to watch a less intense episode first so you get an idea of how they’re laid out and typically work. We recommend starting with “San Junipero” as it won a few awards and is likely the lightest of all of the episodes.
Below are the individual trailers for all six episodes. We’re particularly excited to see what the twist is in the “U.S.S. Callister” episode as there isn’t even a hint of what the twist could be in the trailer. “Arkangel” and “Black Museum” look to be the creepiest. Name one scary movie or TV show where a little girl is experimented on and it doesn’t end up creepy. You can’t. Same goes for “Black Museum”. Museum curators in shows are always weird. “Hang the DJ” seems similar to “Nosedive” in season three with the forced social aspect of it. It also reminds us of “The Lobster” which is a movie starring Colin Farrell where people in society must be in a relationship or they are turned into animals of their choosing. It’s a great movie so we’re excited to see the Black Mirror take on this general idea.
December 29th can’t come soon enough.