Game of Thrones Season 7, Ep. 6 & 7 Predictions
[Caution: Spoilers below. If you haven’t watched up to the end of episode 5, stop reading this and go watch. Right now.]
Much like episodes 1 & 2 of this season (with some exception scenes), episode 5 was all about re-setting the chess table that is Westeros for the final two episodes of the season. Below are some predictions of what may happen for you to consider. They’ll most likely all be wrong because this is Thrones and who ever really knows what will happen.
Jon Snow and the Crew/Avengers/Expendables/Suicide Squad north of The Wall

What a gang. These guys will probably accomplish their goal, in some form, of bringing back a wight down south of The Wall but will lose a few members along the way. I don’t see Thoros or Beric dying as they haven’t added enough to the story line quite yet and seem like the type of guys who could harness their God to keep them safe (i.e. the flaming sword you’ve seen since the first trailer of this season). The Hound still needs to participate in the Clegane bowl so he’ll most likely survive this. You can’t kill off Jon Snow again especially with the revelation coming that he’s actually the rightful Targaryen heir from Bran or Sam, if he ever stops being mopey and listens to what Gilly is laying out right in front of his eyes. Gendry being brought back in episode 5 after rowing his boat for 4 seasons means he’ll likely survive this encounter too, but if he goes, eh, who cares. So that leaves Tormund and Jorah. Tormund and Brienne still need to happen so I’m being optimistic that he’ll survive. So, I’m sorry Jorah, but you’re probably not going to survive this. It would be a tragedy for Dany to think that Jorah will succumb to Gray Scale, only to actually find a cure, only to die soon after sacrificing himself for the greater good (See! He really is a good guy Dany! He loves you!). So with that being the biggest tragedy, that means it’s most likely to happen. We’ll see all of this next episode for sure. Uncle Benjen is also still north of The Wall, so expect him to make a surprise appearance.

Littlefinger gonna Littlefinger. As always, an expert in misdirection and chaos ladder building. By planting the note from Sansa that she was forced to send by Cersei back to Robb and Catelyn in season one, Arya now has significant doubts in her mind about Sansa’s true intentions, which she already called out to her even before reading the note. Arya wasn’t with Robb or her mother when they read the note and realized that Cersei was forcing Sansa to write it so Arya has reason to think that Sansa is acting only in her own self interest. These two will most likely go at it but hopefully Bran will step in and tell them the truth because he can see everything. Of course, that would be too clean and logical, so expect for this to get messier than it is now which will force Arya to leave Winterfell and resume her quest, head to King’s Landing, and and try to cross Cersei off her list.
King’s Landing
Cersei could not be happier to have an army of dead dudes distracting her two enemies while she regroups and plans her next Sept of Baelor level move. A few things to unpack with her and Jaime. There’s a 50/50 shot she’s actually pregnant. She may be faking it to make sure that Jaime doesn’t betray her at all. She literally said “Don’t betray me again”. I’d venture that she actually is pregnant because while time is passing quickly now in the more recent seasons, as compared to season one when it took 3 episodes to get from Winterferll to King’s Landing, she wouldn’t be able to hide not being pregnant for long. This is important because of the prophecy she was given as a child which stated she’d become queen, her husband would have 20 kids, she’d only have 3, and then she’d be killed by her little brother. All of that is true so far with the exception of being killed by her little brother. Jaime and Tyrion fit this description by the way and it’s Thrones, so it’ll definitely be Jaime after she commits her next horrendous act or is about to. He’s killed off a monarch before; he’ll do it again. So while Jon and the Heartbreakers travel north, she’ll be figuring out a way to cripple Dany, most likely bringing Euron back into the arc or by bringing over The Golden Company. TGC are Essos mercenaries whom the Iron Bank will rent for her. Expect a big power move from her as soon as she sees an opportunity, particularly any chance she can get to take out a dragon or two.
This one is hard to call. He’ll most likely get another scene or two this season and I imagine it will be part of Cersei’s devious move at the end of this season. His strength is on ships and baiting Dany into a fight over the sea seems like suicide. Except, Qyburn and Cersei know the Scorpion bolts can penetrate a live dragon and Qyburn is a master of poisons. It would make sense for Euron to mount a few on his ships to try to engage Dany and take out the dragons. My prediction is that they’ll succeed once and take out one dragon, leaving only two left; one for Dany and one for Jon. He’s such a wildcard though, that this is a tough prediction to make.
Sam and Gilly + Bran
Sam knows that Bran knows shit. They’re each other’s best bet to figure out a way to effectively stop the army of the dead. So the always boring Sam with the newly boring Bran to have a scene where they figure it all out. Pretty straightforward.

She is all in on the Jon Snow train. She respects him and the show runners have clearly been trying to build a sexual tension between them. Good thing that the Targaryen’s are historically incestual! It’ll be very interesting to see how she reacts when she finds out that Jon is actually the rightful Targaryen heir. To clear up the background, this was essentially confirmed last episode by Gilly as the annulment of her brother Rhaegar’s marriage to Elia Martell so that he could marry Lyanna Stark makes Jon a legitimate child and not a bastard of any sort. She won’t likely find out until next season though as the word would have to get around really fast for her to find out by the end of this season. Dany is in an interesting position right now going into the last two episodes. She has always had a next move and a next place to go. Right now, she’s more or less waiting on Jon and The Machine to bring back a wight to King’s Landing. Hopefully she’s learned enough about Cersei now to keep on the defensive and prepare for what Cersei might throw at her, but I don’t think she’s there yet. So Dany will likely put a pause on her campaign on hold until Cersei makes her next big move, to which Dany will overreact and unleash the dragons. But maybe, just maybe, we’ll get really lucky and she’ll fly the dragons up north of The Wall and save Jon just in time, giving us a taste of Fire versus Ice before the final season.
Odds and Ends

Remember Ilyrio Mopatis? Him and Varys have been boys for a long time and he’s the one that helped to kick-start the story by getting Dany and Khal Drogo together. He was in a few episodes of season one and his house in Pentos is where Tyrion landed when he first escaped King’s Landing after his crossbow patricide. He’s still alive, has wealth, is connected to Varys, and supports the Targaryen claim. I doubt he’ll come back into play at all, but it would be interesting to see if, how, and when he does.
Theon better have some redemption. How was he not selected in the crew to go north of The Wall? He owes Jon at least that.
Here’s to hoping that Dany has actually been moving chess pieces of her own in the background and have moved Greyworm and the Unsullied into a position where they can catch Cersei off-guard. Don’t expect another love scene with Greyworm and Missandei just quite yet.
P.S. This was the easiest blog to write because it’s Thrones and no one can actually predict what happens. If I’m wrong, well of course I’m wrong. If I’m right I look like a genius. Win-win.