Author: 20-somethinglife

#WinterIsHere Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer

#WinterIsHere Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched up to season 7 of Game of Thrones, please don’t watch the trailer. While it is just a trailer and doesn’t give much away for the upcoming season, it still gives away major plot twists from previous seasons inherently.

Wow. There’s so much to unpack out of this latest trailer as there’s more shots included here than there has been in previous trailers. I won’t get into a frame by frame breakdown of each shot included in the trailer as I think that speculating too much may ruin what eventually happens throughout the season if the assumptions and theories end up being right (see: Westworld’s most popular theories almost all being true). So we’ll keep it light and just get really excited about the hype instead.

What is most noticeable just from this trailer is that the scale seems much bigger. If you compare some of these shots to what you saw in season one, it’s an amazing change. The first few seasons were more character driven on smaller sets. This change is obviously due to the increase in budget as the show became more and more popular, and we can’t be happy enough at that fact. This season (along with the last few) just seems…huge. GoT is known for being tight lipped and not giving away it’s most incredible shots (unlike every movie trailer nowadays) so even these amazing clips are nothing compared to what we’ll see in season.

It’s been well documented that each season has “down” episodes, if you can even call them that, where the plot is built up and the stage is set. However, with a shortened number of episodes this season (only 7 but they’ll be longer than normal) and with every character making some big moves, I highly doubt that we’ll see those plot building episodes that we’ve seen in previous seasons. That means you will be on the edge of your seat every Sunday starting July 16th. Considering the fact that Masie Williams tweeted out this series of tweets back in August of 2016:

“just finished reading season 7…shit gets REAL…i’d start preparing yourselves now…scratch that, nothing will prepare you for this…holy BALLS”

it’s probably safe to say we’ll be calling GoT the greatest television show of all time before the final season even starts filming. So yeah…less than a month away!

Track of the Day: Heavy (Nicky Romero Remix) – Linkin Park ft. Kiiara

Track of the Day: Heavy (Nicky Romero Remix) – Linkin Park ft. Kiiara

Heavy (Nicky Romero Remix) – Linkin Park ft. Kiiara

To answer your first question: yes, Linkin Park is still around making music. While the style now is vastly different from the early 2000s (borderline unrecognizable as the same band in my opinion), it’s not unusual for styles to change over time.

This Nicky Romero remix adds a layer to the original track that makes it lighter, yet stronger. His additions aren’t over the top however, which allows to the focus to remain on the vocals and lyrics which is really the driving force behind this song. Heavy could’ve done well with a Mike Shinoda verse as well, but maybe they’re saving that for a later edit.

So go ahead and throw this on and reminisce on those middle and high school years when everyone jammed out to emo music (you’re lying if you say you didn’t).

Track of the Day: Hey Mamma – Tritonal

Track of the Day: Hey Mamma – Tritonal

Hey MaMaMa – Tritonal

Tritonal is a duo that is about to really hit the mainstream and become a household name. Their unique, uplifting melodies fits well with a wide range of vocalists and it has enough of a pop sound to appeal to a wide audience. These guys just know how to have fun.

“Hey MaMaMa” is one of their newest releases and it just puts you in a good mood. I’ll let their own description of the song take it from here:

Opening with a euphoric chant that radiates positivity and promise, combined with driving bass and kick drums, ‘Hey Mamama’ keeps things fresh whilst never straying too far from Tritonal’s dance-floor roots.

Be sure to check out their remix of Alesso’s “Stay” below. Their weekly radio podcast Tritonia is highly recommended as well.

10 Simple Ways to Help the Environment Every Day

10 Simple Ways to Help the Environment Every Day

In light of President Trump’s move to back out of the Paris Accord, we thought we’d put together a quick list of how you can help the environment each day. Consumer habits will dictate the market so if there is a collective push for green solutions and sustainability, as there has been in recent years, we will begin to see more environmentally friendly changes despite what agreements the government may or may not be in. 

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Random Track of the Day: Boom – Tiesto

Random Track of the Day: Boom – Tiesto

Boom – Tiesto & Sevenn

I was lucky enough to see Tiesto drop this live before he released it and while no one new the song yet, it was arguably of the most hyped songs of his set. Given the timing of the release, you can expect to hear this song at festivals all summer. Put this song on your playlist for those Friday night pregames right before you go out. Hopefully you won’t be repeating “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom” in your head for the next two weeks like I have been. Enjoy!