Fresh starts

Fresh starts

As this is the 20-something’s crew first foray into “blog life”, we wanted to let our readers know what this blog is about, what we hope to achieve, and why we’re doing this.

What this blog is about: Simply put, this blog is intended to be full of things that you’re average 20-something year old would find interesting, thoughtful, and entertaining. We’d like to think we have good idea of what it’s like to be our own age and want to share our thoughts, experiences, and ideas with our readers.

What we hope to achieve: The 20-something crew wants to create a space where people like us can come to be entertained, whether that’s through thoughtful posts or dog/cat videos (fair warning: we lean heavily towards dog videos). We know how busy our readers are and we want to be a place that you can visit when they get a spare moment and know there will be something they’ll want to see.

Why we’re doing this: We like writing, sharing ideas and stories, and connecting with people.  The crew can’t promise you’ll love everything we post, but we hope to make each of our readers’ day better, every day.

Hope you enjoy!

The 20-something crew

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